Thursday, May 18, 2006


ESL Classics 06: Reply Requested

ESL Classics 06: Reply Requested, Richard Yorkey, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201100-78-9

Reply Requested is an exceptional book for conversation and discussion. It is comprised of 30 chapters (130 pages), with each chapter built around a letter to Ann Landers.

Here’s how the book works its magic: we have the letter, comprehension questions, discussion questions, and then a review of relevant grammar or function formations (how to complain, how to indirectly ask a question, etc.). Then we have a roleplay based on the situation in the letter, exploring one or more possible outcomes. Only after all this do we have Ann Landers’ original response and discussion questions based on this.

The 30 chapters cover questions of etiquette (what to do when you find a bug in fruit at a formal dinner), complaints (gluttonous babysitters), and difficult situations (a bride whose husband insists on watching TV late at night). The situations are all interesting, and allow for cultural exploration. The roleplays allow practice for new language. The book has worked well with pairs and small groups, and even in some one-on-ones. It is entertaining, practical, and well-designed for classroom work. What’s not to like? For intermediates and above, Reply Requested is an excellent resource. Too bad it’s out of print!

All too often discussion topics become a backdoor for someone’s agenda, like peace studies, missionary work, or feminism. These topics here help the student explore the cultural world, not reach my perception of it. Right on! A classic!

Note that this basic format (letters, notes, discussion, and roleplay) could be done for many, many types of subject matter (American business etiquette for example). Also, note that this format is eminently transferable to other languages. You could have exactly the same style of book based on letters in Chinese, Japanese, French, or whatever. It’s a universally applicable textbook design.

Recommendation: A great book, just crying out for an update!

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